Product at the Automechanika from MAHA.

MAHA trade fair stand at Automechanika 2024 a magnet for visitors

For the 23rd time, MAHA impressed its visitors at this year's Automechanika. Six product innovations, a large selection of physical products, supplemented by numerous digital media and an event stage that captivated the audience were just some of the highlights that ensured a consistently positive summary.

The workshop supplier in the Allgäu region had been working towards this trade fair week, which began on September 10th, for months. On Saturday, September 14, 2024, the industry's leading trade fair in Frankfurt came to an end with overwhelming success. Those responsible for the trade fair and the entire team in front of and behind the scenes take stock and are more than satisfied with the result. From the first day of the fair, the almost 1,000 m2 MAHA stand area was a hive of activity both indoors and outdoors. In addition to the innovations and, for the first time, the extensive selection of digital media with over 35 videos and almost 20 information displays, the generous communication area with inviting catering and the regular presentations on the 360˚ event stage were among the crowd-pullers.

Innovation and digital transformation

This year, MAHA impressively demonstrated that it not only stands for its established quality steel products, but also plays a leading role in the digital transformation of the automotive aftermarket and thus has its finger on the pulse of the times. All six innovations presented could be explored on site. Elaborately staged 3D renderings in video format also illustrated the highlights of the respective products. The company thus showed that many new ideas have already been implemented. However, it was just as important for those responsible to make it clear that these developments offer numerous other possible applications. In order to capture the ideas and wishes of customers and industry experts, dialog was sought and short surveys were conducted.

Crowd puller 360˚ event stage

When crowds of people gathered in front of the round stage with the 11-metre-wide LED screen, one of the hourly presentations was on the agenda. Moderator Tobias Witton skillfully presented the product highlights, while one of the innovations took over the presentation itself - we are talking about the AI-supported workshop robot with the project name MAIA. MAIA stands for MAHA Autonomous Inspection Assistant and combines autonomous technology with advanced diagnostics. The second innovation, the MAHA Adaptive System Tester, or MAST for short, also took its place on the stage and among the trade audience. This product is of great importance for vehicle diagnostics, especially for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

Focus on progress and team spirit

The Managing Director, Dr. Peter Geigle, sums up: "In addition to our core areas, we are focusing increasingly on the further development of our products. We are in the midst of the digital transformation of the industry, which we demonstrated impressively at this year's Automechanika in Frankfurt. We are making targeted use of technologies such as sensors, optics and robotics to significantly improve efficiency and precision in workshops and testing organizations. This change is not only reflected in our products, but also in our trade fair concept this year, which was more digital than ever before. We have once again shown what we can achieve as a company and as the people behind the products from Haldenwang in the Allgäu region when we work together as a team towards a common goal and believe in it. Looking back, we can proudly say that we delivered an outstanding performance and put on a spectacular show at Automechanika in Frankfurt by joining forces."


Together with the product development specialist BUSSE Design+Engineering, a future-oriented product design was created, which was realized in close cooperation with all departments right through to the constructive implementation. A large number of prototypes and studies were used to make the product visions tangible and bring them into contact with trade fair visitors.

Pictures: MAHA


A car and robot are presented together.
Close-up of the robot.
Stands at the Automechanika.
Visitors to Automechanika listen to a presentation.
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