The team looks at posters

Strategic Reflection: Yearly Engineering Retreats


Retreat of our industrial design team

On June 25, the team held its semi-annual retreat.

This time, in addition to reflecting on the recent past, especially in relation to Corona, the focus was on associative design, combined with a practical application for the entire team. On the one hand, to determine the intersection and, on the other hand, to develop an internal definition for associative design language that is as consistent as possible in the future.

In addition, current trends were presented and project management methods were explored in greater depth.

Retreat for our UI/UX design team

On July 22, 2020, the UI/UX design team once again took a close look at the latest developments in the market, methods and processes as well as the question of how the inspiring experience that we live ourselves can be further expanded and spread.

In addition, findings from ongoing projects were reflected on and discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of new tools that could fundamentally support or simplify the work process at various points were worked out.

Retreat for our design team

Despite the unusual circumstances, the engineering team held its routine first closed meeting of 2020 on May 14, 2020 a little later than usual.

The focus of our retreat was on analyzing and deepening our understanding of tool-compatible part designs. Together, we reflected on CAD models and the development process in various projects and exchanged experiences between team members.

We then adapted our internal procedure specifications accordingly. We then turned our attention to a new simulation tool for kinematics. Initial experiences and possible applications were discussed and agreed.

Half-year management review

In accordance with our actively practiced ISO process, at the end of this very eventful first half of the year, we once again went into retreat with the entire BUSSE management team for a whole day to reflect on our key figures and results from the first half of the year and to jointly develop and agree on personnel development, investments and strategic goals for the second half of the year.

At the end of a long day of intensive and also productively critical dialog with the aim of continuous improvement, the entire management team went to the beer garden to round off the day in compliance with the coronavirus regulations.

The team sits in the conference room
The team watches a presentation
The team sits in the conference room
Abstract drawing drawn by an employee
Logo of the iF DESIGN AWARDReddot design award LogoLogo of the Design Center StuttgartLogo of the Good Design AwardsLogo of the Design PlusLogo of the UX Design Awards
Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.