Motorcycle at the IAA

ZEISS Microoptics - Fair Trade Models IAA 2023

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Automotive projects, Brand New

In the past, holographic applications could only be found in selected areas due to their complexity. Under the motto "Level up mobility with holography", ZEISS Microoptics is presenting its globally unique holography range for the automobile of the future for the first time at the IAA Mobility in Munich. BUSSE Design was able to support the conception, design and realization of the trade fair models and innovative technology demonstrators!

ZEISS demonstrated three application areas for holographic displays in a total of 7 technology demonstrators at the IAA: "Safety through information in the field of vision", "Clean design with floating switches" and "Communication & individualization with light".

Safety through information in the field of vision

Thanks to ZEISS innovation, the entire windshield can be used as a projection surface for information. At the heart of this technology is a transparent film on which ultra-high-precision optics are imaged using holographic processes. The driver now receives all relevant information selectively in their field of vision without having to take their eyes off the road.

Clean design with floating switches

ZEISS has succeeded in displaying 3D operating elements such as switches or controls on black panel surfaces holographically and purely through light projection. The floating interaction points are only made visible when required, e.g. by voice command or gesture control. This allows an almost infinite degree of freedom for the design of the interior and its surfaces.

Communication & individualization with light

In addition to applications inside vehicles, micro-optics and holographic technology from ZEISS can also revolutionize the exterior lighting of vehicles. Front, rear or brake light signatures can now be transformed into any desired appearance using holographic surfaces.

The BUSSE Design & Engineering team was able to support ZEISS in the presentation of their unique high-end holographic solutions in the form of trade fair models and technology demonstrators.

In an agile concept phase, ideas for the respective trade fair models and their design and technical structure were developed in close cooperation with ZEISS, taking into account the optical packages and parameters.

For an early understanding of proportions, shape and their position in space, we used VR/AR representations with the help of gravity sketches and were thus able to arrive at results and decisions quickly and purposefully.

Nach der Konzept - und Entwurfsphase ging es nahtlos in die Detailkonstruktion und den Aufbau von fertigungsgerechten Daten über sowie in den anschließenden Modellbau der Exponate.

Hier konnte BUSSE die gesamte Bandbreite und hausinterner Vernetzung der Fachbereiche Design, Konstruktion und Prototypenbau nutzen. Ebenfalls konnten wir erfolgreich bei der Erstellung von Transportboxen sowie deren Umsetzung mitwirken.

Wir gratulieren unserem Kunden ZEISS zum gelungenen Messeauftritt auf der IAA Mobility in München und vielmehr zu der Leistung, die Holografie zu industrialisieren und somit einer Vielzahl von Menschen zugänglich zu machen.

Zeiss holography range for the car of the future at the IAA
White car part with display with holographic design
Holographic tail light of a car
Example holographic display
Zeiss holography range for the car of the future at the IAA
Motorcycle on stage
futuristic control unit

Our skills

Exhibition models

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Your contact person
Rainer Fischer, Head of Prototyping & Production
Rainer Fischer, Head of Prototyping & Production
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