ORBSCAN 3 / ZYWAVE 3 from the front

BAUSCH + LOMB Look me in the eye: ORBSCAN 3 / ZYWAVE 3 comes along easily

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Industrial technology, Medical products

Technically sophisticated medical technology devices and convenient operation - an apparent contradiction that Busse consistently resolves. The latest example is the third generation of the ORBSCAN 3 / ZYWAVE 3 from Bausch + Lomb Technolas for ophthalmology.

ORBSCAN topography is a modern procedure in ophthalmology that measures the radii of curvature and the thickness of the cornea, among other things. Both devices record important information about the eye, which is also used for further treatment with the excimer laser.

BUSSE has designed the third generation of the diagnostic platform for Bausch + Lomb Technolas in such a way that it fits seamlessly into the design style of the company's new TECHNOLAS® TENEOTM 317 device family.

Because the devices are now equipped with a manual traversing unit, it no longer needs to be fully covered in all movement areas. The sleek and open design underlines the values of the new appliance family. For example, the main bodies are slightly separated from each other by color. The dark panel facing the patient prevents light reflections and thus ensures accurate measurement of the values. In addition to the measuring devices, Busse has redesigned the style of the operating unit and created a compact overall impression that is characterized by visual lightness.

Founded in 1853, Bausch + Lomb is headquartered in Rochester, New York, employs more than 11,000 people worldwide and its products are available in more than 100 countries. In 2013, Bausch + Lomb acquired Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH in Munich, bringing together two of the strongest brands in ophthalmology. TECHNOLAS Perfect Vision GmbH (TPV) is a leading ophthalmology laser company based in Munich. Bausch + Lomb Technolas focuses on the development and marketing of surgical laser devices for ophthalmology.

ORBSCAN 3 / ZYWAVE 3 from the side
ORBSCAN 3 / ZYWAVE 3 close-up
ORBSCAN 3 / ZYWAVE 3 from the side
ORBSCAN  3 / ZYWAVE 3 frontal

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Felix Timm, General Manager
Felix Timm, General Manager
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