Multigrind Radical in exhibition hall

HAAS Multigrind® Radical - The most radical form of tool grinding machine

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Ready for a radical solution without compromise? The new Multigrind® Radical sets standards: More productivity, small footprint, easy handling, fast production changeovers, trend-setting software, maximum performance and flexibility. The gamechanger for all tool grinders.

Grinding through intuitive operation.
Without control. Without loss of time. Without effort: All that the Multigrind® Radical needs to start production is a ready-made setup. The machine is ready to start immediately without lengthy training during setup and operation. Operation: completely intuitive via tablet. This makes it an automated, unmanned solution for all tool grinding processes.

In its usual manner, Haas Schleifmaschinen showed a whole range of future technologies at GrindingHub in Stuttgart. The production wonders all have one thing in common: performance results from the successful interaction of hardware and software.

As with the design of the Multigrind® CU and Multigrind® CA, great importance was attached to highlighting the brand values, competence, performance, precision and quality in the primary design statement. On the Multigrind® Radical, too, the "heart" of the machine, the cabin, is brought into focus by the exciting sliding door concept across the corner.

Great importance was attached to a high degree of order in the design language, which ensures the precise and tidy appearance of the Multigrind® Radical. The precision, value, durability and reliability of the machine are thus emphasized and conveyed in a formally aesthetic way.

The stringency with which the lines have been implemented, the deliberate emphasis on orthogonality, the straight lines, the flatness, the absence of surface projections, the almost purist appearance ensure the clear, unagitatedly restrained, confidence-inspiring and, above all, precise impression of the machine.

In this way, the goal of significantly characterizing the forward-looking appearance of Haas Schleifmaschinen, providing it with unique selling points and strengthening it, continues to be successfully pursued, with the addition of a further machine in the new appearance of Haas Schleifmaschinen.

We congratulate our customer Haas Schleifmaschinen on this successful new grinding machine and look forward to further exciting projects.

Find further information here.

Product image Multigrind Radical size comparison
Multigrind Radical front view

Our skills

Product design

Platform development

CAD surface design

Brand design

Your contact person
Adrian Thon, Senior Industrial Designer
Adrian Thon, Senior Industrial Designer
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