All BUSSE-news at a glance

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Ulm Minster at night.
19 Jul 2024
City of Ulm - Germany's most liveable city
Prognos, an analysis and consulting company based in Basel, analysed all 71 independent cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants in July 2024 and compiled a ranking for Handelsblatt.
T Handle in use on a bicycle tyre.
18 Jul 2024
WÜRTH wins the coveted red-dot Design Award 2024 with the new T-handle series
WÜRTH wins the coveted red-dot Design Award 2024 with the new T-handle series. The ZEBRA T-handle screwdrivers allow for very comfortable working.
Piping System
17 Jul 2024
GF Piping Systems / IR-63 M wins the coveted German Innovation Award 2024
The new IR-63 M unleashes the power of infrared fusion in the joining of plastic pipe systems in industrial applications.
A group of people stand around a trade fair model.
12 Jul 2024
Trade fair report ILA Berlin
This year's ILA Berlin attracted around 95,000 visitors and 600 exhibitors from 31 countries. The world's first independent aviation trade fair was held here back in 1909 and currently takes place every two years.
Man standing at a circular saw
5 Jul 2024
New sliding table saw in the workshop
We have new equipment in the workshop! The Altendorf F45 sliding table saw has recently been added to our workshop. The machine can be used to precisely cut all types of plastic, wood and non-ferrous metals.
Company from above
28 Jun 2024
Employer Branding Video
Our employer branding video is ready! A few weeks ago, the videographer from Stahlhart Recruiting was with us and shot a great employer branding video. The shoot was absolutely worth it! The result is a video that perfectly shows who we are at BUSSE Design+Engineering and what makes us special.
A woman looks at the BUSSE Instagram profile on her mobile phone.
21 Jun 2024
We are now on Instagram!
We are now on Instagram! We are delighted to announce that we are now also represented on Instagram! From now on you will find the latest updates & exciting insights behind the scenes.
The whole BUSSE team takes a group photo on a pier.
20 Jun 2024
BUSSE team excursion
On 18th of June, we set off again on our legendary summer excursion at 07:30 in the morning. The almost full team set off for Munich in high spirits. After a walk through the Westpark, the first stop was a hearty Weißwurst breakfast at Café Gans am Wasser. From there, the team continued on to the Transport Technology Museum at Bavariapark, where vehicles and technical achievements in the history of transport were scrutinised on an area of over 12,000 m².
The management is filmed
14 Jun 2024
Employer branding video shoot at BUSSE
Last week we had a visit from a videographer - there will be lots of new things on our website again. Stay tuned!
Logo of the iF DESIGN AWARDReddot design award LogoLogo of the Design Center StuttgartLogo of the Good Design AwardsLogo of the Design PlusLogo of the UX Design Awards
Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.