Piping System

GF Piping Systems / IR-63 M wins the coveted German Innovation Award 2024

The new IR-63 M unleashes the power of infrared fusion in the joining of plastic pipe systems in industrial applications.

This patented tool combines maximum reproducibility, reliability and efficiency in precision welding, whether at a fixed workstation or mobile in remote applications.

The industrial design enables a lightweight, compact, modular and at the same time extremely robust structure that is also suitable for confined spaces. An intuitive and ergonomic design is reflected in the convenient control levers, visual user guidance and a new planing and holding device. The dominant facets as design elements convey the symbiosis of a high-precision tool and a durable companion. With the IR-63 M, the most complex installations can be mastered with ease.

The flexible pipe stop enables complex applications and reduces the process time by up to 30%. In addition, the cooling times per weld have been reduced by up to 50%, significantly increasing productivity. A seamless transfer of the fusion data to the cloud environment is available for traceability of the welding parameters.

The German Innovation Award honours products, technologies and services that break new, innovative ground and offer solutions that stand out due to their added value for users and the environment. These future-orientated innovations are possible in all industries - from industry giants to start-ups.

Images: GF Piping Systems

German Innovation Award Logo
GF Piping Systems from the side
GF Piping Systems close up
GF Piping Systems from the front
GF Piping Systems from the top
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