Table CO2 emissions

Another Year of Climate Neutrality


BUSSE will be officially recertified as climate neutral in 2022. The CO2 footprint has been significantly reduced again!

Climate certification is not only taken into account in procurement; internal energy management, which relies on low-energy components, also plays its part.

Wherever possible, we pay attention to CO2 neutrality, including for heating and printer paper. Our own photovoltaic system, the further expansion of which is planned, as well as the provision of wall boxes for electric vehicles, which can be used by both customers and employees, contribute to this. In the near future, we also plan to insulate the building and replace the heating systems.

Unfortunately, the availability of technology is currently difficult, which is why our company fleet cannot be supplemented with fully electric vehicles until next year. However, BUSSE is already providing employees with 100% environmentally friendly and subsidized electricity for their commute.

Despite all these measures, 70 tons of CO2 emissions still remain, which we offset with CO2 certificates as in previous years.

To this end, we not only invest in projects that meet the gold standard for climate neutrality, but also pay attention to our commitment to human rights, democracy and freedom in a country. As most of these projects are launched in third world countries, this is not always easy.

This year, we are supporting a project to reforest degraded pastureland in Uruguay and one to generate electricity from hydropower in Indonesia.

Your contact person
Felix Timm, General Manager
Felix Timm, General Manager
Table CO2 emissions
Carbon neutral company certificate
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Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.