Employee Information

Virtual employee meeting at BUSSE


Due to the current circumstances, BUSSE is holding a slightly different employee meeting this year. In order to avoid large gatherings of people in one room, the meeting will therefore take place completely virtually this year.

Many things were different this year: both in their private and professional lives, many people had to master this year with unusual measures and previously unknown methods.

A few keywords came up particularly often: digital working from home and the use of video calls. Video telephony in particular enables many people to communicate quickly and easily without having to be physically present in one place. For this reason, an unprecedented staff meeting was held at BUSSE this Tuesday.

All employees were able to join remotely from their work computers, tablets and smartphones to take part in the event virtually without having to join a large crowd.

The meeting looked at the challenges of the past year, but also at the opportunities for the coming year. The experience gained with flexi-offices showed that this type of collaboration can also have advantages in certain situations. We therefore came to the conclusion that the flexible way of working is a sensible, complementary option to the previous way of working.

At the end, small gifts were presented to our long-standing employees for decades of working together as partners and then - in a very analog way - we were invited to a small meal in line with the coronavirus measures.

We are delighted to be able to continue holding events - albeit digitally - even in these times and look forward to the moment when normal events will be possible again.

Teams meeting
Online meeting
Jubilees receive gifts
The company bosses behind the gifts
Buffet in the company
Buffet in the company
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Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.