Picture collage from various news items of the year

BUSSE annual review 2022


The year 2022 was in no way inferior to the two previous years in terms of social and business challenges. The global political situation needs no further explanation. Despite these adversities, BUSSE was able to build on the growth of previous years and continue to increase its business activities, create new jobs and expand its team in 2022.

The biggest increases were recorded above all in UI/UX design and in prototype and model construction. By the end of the year, the BUSSE team had 57 employed creative minds and a strong network of other experts and freelancers who actively support us on the path to successful product design.

Last year, we laid the foundations for the successful expansion of our model and series production: the new lightweight construction hall, the 3D printer and the new, second large 5-axis milling machine were procured and will be actively used in 2022 for customer projects in the areas of medical products, ship consoles, tooling and construction machinery.

All processes were repeatedly reviewed against the backdrop of work and building safety and integrated into increasingly digitalized and optimized company processes. This also enabled us to have our ISO certification and climate neutrality successfully audited in 2022.

A long-time companion and co-creator, our former authorized signatory and Head of Development, Mr. Edwin Lässle, passed away in November 2022 at the age of 77. The Busse family and the BUSSE team bid him farewell in recognition and deep solidarity. The current generation of designers, engineers, technicians, business people and management will carry on his passion for development, his high quality standards and his committed, dynamic approach to projects.

We would like to thank them for the trust they have placed in us, the exciting projects and the creative, agile and solution-oriented collaboration!

In 2022, our donations went to Aktion Mensch and Engineers Without Borders.

We have summarized this moving year in a short film - a brief review of 2022 in pictures: https://busse-design.com/news/2023/01_jahresrueckblick.php

Logo of the iF DESIGN AWARDReddot design award LogoLogo of the Design Center StuttgartLogo of the Good Design AwardsLogo of the Design PlusLogo of the UX Design Awards
Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.