Carbon neutral company certificate

Maintaining Our Climate Neutrality: Certified Once More in 2020


BUSSE is officially recertified as climate-neutral in 2020. The CO2 footprint was even reduced by 49% compared to the previous year!

Despite the corona crisis, we decided to make this important contribution to climate protection again this year and were able to successfully extend our initial certification from 2019 with a re-certification!

We are very proud that we were able to initiate meaningful measures based on the parameters and consumption figures determined in the first audit, which reduced our CO2 emissions from the previous 299 tons to 153 tons! The quote from our auditor underlines this once again: "You are one of the very few of our customers who have now demonstrably and systematically tackled and improved the emissions that can really be influenced. This is a great team achievement, because many people in your ranks have taken up the issue and made an individual contribution."

Especially as our employees are also very actively involved in climate protection, so that some have been able to switch from cars to bicycles more and more often. Many thanks for that! It was also possible to use "flexi days" in the home office for certain activities and thus significantly reduce commuting distances. This has saved over 65,000 car kilometers.

The evaluation does NOT take into account the higher number of home office days due to corona, as this evaluation was not yet available at the time of recertification!

We were also able - even before Corona - to significantly reduce business trips by 65% and the emissions of our company fleet by 44% through the consistent use of web conferences for weekly status meetings in customer projects!

By filling up with climate-neutral oil to run our ageing oil heating system, we were at least able to operate it more neutrally. The choice of future-oriented heating technology is also being planned, but depends on many factors and must therefore be carefully considered.

An exciting alternative could be our own combined heat and power plant, for example.

Further optimizations such as the planned self-sufficiency of our electricity consumption via our own PV system and the implementation of wall boxes for e-cars are planned in two construction phases: Firstly, on the south-facing roof of our new warehouse, which is currently in the planning stage, and then by using the large areas of our flat roof. Unfortunately, these investments have been postponed for the time being due to the current uncertain planning situation.

We hope that we will be able to implement these issues as soon as possible. As in the previous year, we are offsetting the remaining 153 tons of CO2 emissions with Gold Standard certificates to support the construction of a wind farm in CHANGBIN AND TAICHUNG and a biomass power plant in India.

Your contact person
Felix Timm, General Manager
Felix Timm, General Manager
Carbon neutral company certificate
Bar chart CO2 emissions
Pie chart CO2 emissions
Quote on the subject of emissions
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Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.